some photos I took in between Hampstead Heath and Angel and my bookshelves
It doesn't matter anymore.
It doesn't matter anymore.
It doesn't matter anymore.
It doesn't matter anymore.
The new year is meant, so they say, to provide the resolve to accomplish new things
or the resolve to resolve things. I tell myself that this coming year I am resolute
that it does not
(have to) matter
what the matter is
and that it doesn't matter anymore.
Resolutions, then
to learn the art of cutting balloon strings
to learn to fall in love and leave
to learn how to arrange flowers after snipping away stems
to learn the word 'goodbye' in multiples tongues,
specficially silent languages like that in sign or Morse Code
to learn indifference
But I know myself well enough/have honed my sight self-critical enough
to know when I'm resolutely determined to keep
to the promises I make to myself, in my writing or in my head
and my inability and discomfort when living with promises
that leave only themselves, emptied-out, and some lies
is something unresolvable. Are these resolutions, anyway,
what I want? And, more importantly
(this resolve, I suppose, is morality)
is it a good thing? Will the forthcoming years be changed for the better
if I learn my way down the list, for surely, at the bottom of it
you're left listless
and it doesn't matter
and nothing is the matter but you know what matters
and yet you promised yourself it wouldn't matter to you.
Not resolutions, then. The past informs the future
and this past year I have learnt that
my life is a miracle
there are those so loyal that they will find their way back to you
that mistakes can be made and messes made and then
these mistakes and messes can be cleaned up
and there are those miraculous one in a million people
who will let you mess up, help you clean up
and also there are those equally abnormal ones
who are evil and it's ugly, and I have never thought
such intentional cruelty could come so naturally to some
and strangely, because they want to feel better.
So among the masses there are the miracles
and there are the monsters but
everyone matters.
Resolved resolutions list, then.
I will only cut the balloon strings when the lines are crossed, the bubble bursts, the twine cuts in
I will only be left, as I will never leave
(when you leave, you realise what you left behind
and thankfully for me there was going back)
I will not buy or arrange flowers. I would honestly consider it a frivolous waste of time.
I will learn sign language further but language is forever
I will not be indifferent. I'm not all that different,
but to say I don't care and shrug off the matter at hand
say that it doesn't matter, now or anymore,
I would be lying. My resolution is not to try to be anything but this,
messes and mistakes and all.
If I am listless, I ought to exercise more.
One lie I tell myself: the matter of which I am made up is stardust.
One lie I tell others, nothing is the matter.
It matters too much and becoming indifferent, releasing hold on balloons,
trusting those flowers to make you smile because they are indifferent too,
Love is a great matter not to be taken lightly To be the person that matters
to the person that matters to you is the real resolution, isn't it/
Looking ahead at me, on day two of the 31 in January
I no longer see anyhing listeless. . The year looks suddenly a miracle, a spectacle
the way that some describe a sunrise or sunset as a spectacle,
and to be indifferent to that would be such a waste of time
and time is all we have but each other.
It matters so much to me. That doesn't matter. I prefer it that way.