Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Mad-lib poetry and ad-lib with instruments

I've been doing some experimental twanging with no talent.
But at least it's different.
Take a listen

Based on the structure of e e cummings' poem 'all in green', I wrote this mad-lib using nouns, adjectives and verbs that have appeared in my writing prior to this. Make sense of this if you can:

all in imaginary

all in imaginary went my spills wondering
on an inevitable chance of scared
into the unheard senses

uncertain gilded goodbyes inelegant and trying
the nervous song before

sudden be they than cracked fears
the wayward tiny song
the nervous tiny song

uncertain tiny wishes at a little dust
the forced minutes before

kisses at teeth went my spills wondering
wondering the dream down
into the unheard senses

uncertain gilded goodbyes inelegant and trying
the dark refusal before

heavy be they than immeasurable tiny pockets
the gilded warm song
the golden inelegant song

uncertain golden years at a scared wall
the vulnerable clocks before

stars at retrospect went my spills wondering
wondering the time down
into the unheard senses

uncertain gilded goodbyes inelegant and trying
the vulnerable discourse before

frightening be they than glass universe
the mistaken strange song
the scattered breathless song

uncertain scattered telephone calls at the imaginary  time
the breathless smile before

all in imaginary went my spills wondering
on an inevitable chance of scared
into the unheard senses

uncertain gilded goodbyes inelegant and trying

my sleep to find stars before.