Thursday, 21 August 2014

myself in metaphor

In my writing I have always and the tendency to either wilt in weakening into the comfort of using a metaphor that means something, or an image that has been glued the outskirts of my thoughts for a while and is ready t be written out into something shared by more than one figment of imagination, or the tendency to leap whole-heartedly into rhetoric and rhythm when writing. I can't remember and I'm sure it varies between poems or pieces of writing but one thing I do know is that I have a long history of likening myself to strange objects, feelings, concepts, and trying to get across in the poem the strange way I have been feeling and can't quite explain in words but am trying to weave into something comprehensible by finding a right way to communicate it all in written word form- by comparing myself to things that are more familiar to them than are my alien states of mind and mood- (and more familiar to me) in order to explain myself in familiar terms so I don't feel so estranged. 
The typewritten writing below includes a few of the many things I have likened myself to in past poems. How I have written myself in metaphor. I have been teeth and I have been the pieces that the tear things to. I have been irrelevant things made relevant for being in the wrong places or wrong arrangements. I have been the container and the contained.