Tuesday, 13 June 2017

People Think/I Think

People think that someone must pay.
I think that thinking that way is only your own loss.
People think that they are entitled to respect.
I think I am not entitled to anything, least of all respect, for there is nothing to respect about me.
People think what goes around comes around.
I think that sometimes it doesn't.
People think that they are not able to make much of a difference.
I think that people can make a lot of difference if they try hard enough and for long enough.
People think that others will have the same responses, inclinations and perceptions as they do.
I think that the most interesting thing about life is the vast diversity in the way people think.
People think that money means success.
I think that money makes people proud and that makes them ugly.
People think honesty is the best policy.
I think you can still be polite and civil to someone, even if you honestly dislike them.
People think that their childhoods inform their futures.
I think that our childhoods can inform our present and future as much as we believe they will, and allow them to.
People think that things will only be okay if there is a resolution or closure.
I think that sometimes you have to be okay without any resolution, and closure is a myth.
People think that your home reflects your inner state of being.
I think they are right but that neatness and order are not indicative of a better or superior state of being.
People think that the appearance of effortlessness is charming and attractive.
I think that people who appear to put in effort and to be trying are the most attractive.
People think that Nietzsche was a depressive nihilist who saw no meaning to life.
I think that he was a hopeless realist who didn't believe in an absolute meaning, but who thought that if there were to be one, finding it would be the end of us existing.
People think that they matter.
I think that they matter so much more and in ways they don't even know.
People think that there's some meaning of life that's in question.
I think that it's a question of what you decide it's going to mean to you, because nobody will ever tell you so you may as well make it up.
People think the best way forward is always following a path or climbing a ladder
I think that I'll always be looking up to people on those ladders or at people far ahead on their paths, but will not go in either of those directions- I'm just here, looking at life as it is now, wandering, sometimes in circles, sometimes between places, sometimes to new territories, and while I'm looking at everything as it is now, I know that it will all look so different in a while, or just a little while, or any moment at all.
People think that forgiving is condoning and forgetting is letting go of something worth holding tight to.
I think that forgiving is freedom and forgiving is letting go of what gets heavier the longer you carry it around with you, and that you should not forget, because you can only learn from what you remember.