Monday, 11 December 2017

9 Ballad Stanza Quatrains- collaboration with Kerouac

[I thought I'd take the beautiful words of my favourite author/person in history and use them to inspire quatrains, all using the simple abxb ballad rhyming scheme.]

As I see stars falling I run
between them as they drop,
confused about which to catch,
too caught up in it to stop.

Let your nerve ends drop and listen
until you hear it clear and loud-
the lesson you forgot you learnt
in immense milky way soft cloud.

When the mountains crumble
what will be left behind?
The vast emptiness of space.
Eternal ecstacy of mind.

It was filled with fears of failure
and memories too terrible to mend,
and yet, in the way of things, somehow
complete and shining in the end.