Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Six Word Stories

You still wished me happy birthday.

One more time was her last.

In the end, it meant something.

We didn't make it, did we?

Pain is abstract, then it's yours.

I saw it in every message.

I wish that people were kind.

I'm just one of your stories.

Therapy isn't always in an office.

Is this really all there is?

I counted on a happier ending.

And we just became strangers again.

After it all, maybe nothing matters.

So I finally became a cloud.

I was a dreamer once before.

For sale: me, to fix up.

It got lost along the way.

I hoped you would see me.

One day we'll all be skeletons.

First kiss, last kiss, then goodbye.

Remember when we had a home?

This story isn't worth a sequel.