Saturday, 27 October 2018

There is no absolute truth

We cannot ever hope to win
without learning man's many games.
We can't hope to understand God
without learning his many names.

We can't see the top of career ladders
without counting their many rungs.
We can't define in other languages
without speaking their many tongues.

We can't know or try to quantify
without observing what's not seen.
We can't know a mile in other shoes
without being where they've been.

We can't say we know what's to be good
without knowing what is to sin.
We can't say we know others at all
without ever letting them in.

We can never say we know truth at all
without admitting our many flaws.
We can never say it's the right choice
without opening the many doors.

We can't see the sparkling of lighting
without the many claps of thunder.
We can't say we really live at all
without the endless ways we wonder.